Give your child the best shot at getting into the school of their choice.

Will your student's application be strong enough? 



With too many applicants competing for too few spots, it’s harder than ever to get in to the college of your dreams.



Fortunately, you and your family don’t have to navigate the application process on your own. Renowned college admissions adviser David Montesano, shows you exactly how to prepare for and create a successful college application.

With Application Academy, you’ll have a structured, tried-and-proven approach to admissions that takes away the uncertainty and puts you in control. This process, called the Montesano Method, consists of four phases:

SPARKS: Identify your unique talents and experiences.

FIRE: Develop the strengths which set you apart from the crowd.

VISION: Ignore the hype and find the right college for you.

BRAND: Create an extraordinary application that will have colleges eager to welcome you as one of their own.

You can’t afford to take chances with your college application. College Application Academy gives you the expert advice you need to turn “no” into “yes,” and your college dreams into reality.

 Increase your student's chance of winning admission to their dream college.

The Application Academy will help your rising seniors identify their goals and increase the chance of winning admission to “reach” colleges and winning merit scholarships from “safety” colleges.

For the past 21 years our students have won admission to at least one reach college 95% of the time and this past year won $87,000 off the bill from their “safety” colleges. More importantly we help our students are able to chart a clear course to achieve their life’s goal. Life goal attainment, admission to students’ dream colleges, and earning merit awards is the outcome we help our students achieve.

Application Academy sessions are directed toward completing the following requirements:

  • Generating a list of appropriate colleges
  • Preparing and finalizing a compelling list of honors and supporting it with activities
  • Developing and finalizing the main Common Application essay
  • Creating a customized template for responding to supplemental application essays
  • Creating a list of talking points to give to teachers for letters of recommendation
  • Participating in mock interview training
  • Completing the Common Application 
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Application Academy is a 5 session live group class that focuses on individualized, personal support

1-week Intensive Application Academy

August 2 - 6, 2021

Resources your student will receive to produce the best possible application & essays

Live Group Instruction

Get strategic, help you navigate the college application process.

1:1 Coaching

Personalized coaching and support through the application building and essay development process.

Private Community

Students get access to a Slack channel to communicate during live class, ask questions, and connect with others.

Parent / Student Interviews

Join our Application Academy before August 2nd and get access to Parent/Student interviews and a list of colleges prior to our August start date.


All students get access to templates to help them build portfolios, resumes, cover letter to recommenders, and manage athletic recruitment process. 

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"The methods that David taught me through the videos helped me hone in on my interests and develop a plan for admission that helped me get into Sarah Lawrence College. I currently focus my study on a combined focus of physics and modern dance."

- Maurice Dawkins,
Sarah Lawrence College and 
Oxford University

"David Montesano's process helped me find the perfect college and showed me how to highlight my strengths in order to standout from the rest of the applicants. I love USC—it is the perfect place for me to achieve my career goals of being a writer for television!"

- Elianna Cohen
USC School of Cinematic Arts and 
UC Berkeley

"My son really became focused…I am forever grateful that all your efforts got him accepted to seven of the best schools. You have my deepest appreciation that Sarah Lawrence College is among them."

- Lorna Dawkins, parent of College Match course participant 



Intensive Group Instruction & 1:1 Coaching


  • 25 hours of personal support and instruction
  • 8 hours of personal customized essay support
  • Personal interviews and customized list building
  • Access to class videos
  • Private Slack community
  • Live coaching via Zoom
  • Parent/Student Interviews
  • Worksheets
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For the past 21 years, I've helped hundreds of high school students, just like yours, get into their dream college.

Hi, I'm David Montesano. I grew up in the field of education with a father who worked as a learning disabilities researcher.

During my own college years, I lived with a family that founded Pomona College and I stumbled upon a hidden system of Little Ivy League colleges that performed astoundingly well at getting students into the top graduate law, business and medical schools.

I discovered that the admissions process is stacked in colleges’ favor—and I wanted to level the playing field.

Since 2001, my admissions consulting company, College Match, has given hundreds of families necessary strategies to help their children find the right college, get accepted, and thrive once they’re in.

I've been called a “new breed” of college admissions consultant by The Washington Post/Newsweek for my use of business strategy techniques in positioning students for admissions success by turning the tables on the college admissions process.

My students LOVE their chosen college — and their career choice.   

In fact, here are just a few of our successes:

  • 95% of our students gain admission to their dream colleges
  • $87,000 average scholarship amount per student
  • $9,000,000 in merit scholarships secured since 2010

This is why your rising high school senior needs to join me for the Application Academy, so they have the best shot at getting into the college of their dreams.

Sign up here

"Choosing College Match is one of the best investments I have made in my life. We were scrambling as a family to understand the complex college admissions process. The best part of working with David’s system is that he will not change your kid, but rather identify his/her strengths and help polish them. My kid got offers from multiple dream colleges."

Parent of Ayush Nag, University of Washington, Allen School of Engineering Freshman

"Your approach made a huge difference. I was accepted to every college I applied to including Tufts, Bates, and Macalester, with scholarships from University of Oregon ($4,000), University of Puget Sound ($12,000), Willamette University ($13,000), and Occidental College ($7,000)your approach made a huge difference."

Phoebe Merritt, attended Occidental College (West Coast Little Ivy)

Common Questions

Last Year's Academy Sold Out.

Don't let your student miss this opportunity.

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